Support the WSO
Planned Giving
Create a Lasting Legacy

At the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra, we understand that music has the power to transcend time and touch the hearts of generations. With your support, you can ensure that the beauty of orchestral music endures for years to come. Legacy giving is a powerful way to contribute to the arts and create a lasting impact on our community. By naming the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra as a beneficiary in your will or through other philanthropic means, you can make a significant difference in the future of music in Wyoming.
Why Legacy Giving Matters
Legacy giving allows you to extend your passion for music beyond your lifetime. By including the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra in your estate planning, you leave a lasting legacy that supports the arts, enriches our community, and inspires countless individuals for generations. Your generosity ensures that the orchestra can continue to provide extraordinary musical experiences, educational programs, and outreach initiatives to Wyoming residents.

Ways to Create Your Legacy

One of the most common ways to support the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra is by naming us as a beneficiary in your will. This straightforward process ensures that your assets will contribute to the future of our organization and make a significant impact on our mission.
You can name the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, providing the orchestra with future financial support without affecting your current financial circumstances.
Designating the orchestra as a beneficiary of your retirement account can be a tax-efficient way to support our mission. Your generosity can reduce estate taxes for your heirs, while still allowing you to make a lasting impact on the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra.
A charitable bequest is a specific or percentage-based gift designated in your will. You can allocate a portion of your estate, assets, or a specific dollar amount to the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra, allowing you to tailor your legacy gift to align with your personal and financial goals.
Consider establishing an endowment fund in your name or in memory of a loved one to support a specific aspect of the orchestra's work. Endowments provide ongoing, reliable support for our long-term sustainability.
Already included us in your estate plan?

Contact Us
For more information on legacy giving or to notify us of your intentions so that we may recognize your commitment to the organization, please contact the office at (307) 266-1478.
We are here to assist you in creating a legacy that resonates with your passion for music and your desire to make a lasting difference in Central Wyoming.
The Impact of Your Legacy
Legacy giving to the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra ensures that future generations can enjoy the magic of live orchestral music. Your generosity contributes to:
Sustaining our world-class performances and collaborations
Expanding educational and outreach programs for students and the Central Wyoming community
Nurturing emerging talent and ensuring the growth of classical music in Wyoming
Enhancing our role as a cultural cornerstone in the region
Get Started
Creating your legacy with the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra is a thoughtful and meaningful way to support the arts. We encourage you to consult with your financial advisor or attorney to explore the best options for you. If you decide to include the orchestra in your estate plans, please let us know. We would be honored to acknowledge your commitment to our mission and recognize you as a member of our Legacy Donor. Legacy gifts are recognized in perpetuity on the organization's website and in our concert programs.
By choosing to leave a legacy, you become part of a long and rich tradition of support for the arts. Your generosity ensures that the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra will continue to inspire, educate, and entertain for generations to come.